Empower your audience to succeed.
Whether as a keynote speaker, empowering female execs or motivating your corporate leadership team, with Folake Adeniyi-Adeleye, you get a purposeful and engaging speaker who is ready to share the trials and triumphs of her personal story and career journey, yet leaves her audience with actionable steps and tools to succeed in their own unique way.

Featured Speaking Engagements

EPR Global

Gaia Africa Club

If your audience IS SEARCHING FOR PURPOSE & DIRECTION IN THEIR CAREER AND LIFE, they deserve a speaker that can truly help them.
Folake is great at connecting with her audience because she brings her personal story to the table. Your audience will get clarity on where they are, lead with their strengths and leave empowered to take action on their career and life.
- Keynote delivery
- Corporate webinars
- Women in leadership workshops
- Panel discussions
Signature Topics
- Building a Strong Leadership Brand
- Executive Presence
- Feminine Power
- Executive Career Transitions
- Leading with your Strength/ Super Power
- Navigating Office Politics
- The Future of Work